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Praziquantel an anthelmintic drug and antiviral, according to medical journal The Lancet published earlier this month. However, some physicians claim it has side effects so rare that even they are unlikely to have taken it. "There is no credible evidence that using azithromycin prevents transmission of HIV. It has no demonstrated clinical use as an HIV prophylaxis and could contribute to the rise in infection by promoting drug resistant virus," the study authors state. A spokesman in the United Nations Secretary-General's office said it was not available for comment. In the study, researchers found that among women who used azithromycin at least weekly from 2006 to 2011, only 4.8 percent were found to have HIV. The remaining 96.6 percent tested negative. It appeared that the drug had a "small but significant" impact of reducing the number people HIV infected. "It's a good sign. So far, good," said Dr. Jonathan Ball, a professor at University of California San Francisco who wasn't involved in the research. "The more we could do like that, with more rigorous, randomized experiments, the fewer times this will happen." Dr. Jonathan Ball But some critics of the drug say trial was not adequately designed to test the drug's effectiveness in preventing infections among people not already infected. The trial's end-point, having undetectable counts of the AIDS virus in a person's blood, doesn't mean the virus exist, they say. "The researchers are using this finding to say: If you just use one of these four drugs every three months you can prevent infections from HIV, but if you do that too often, may not be preventing as many infections," said Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of North Carolina School Medicine. "They're saying how can i order xanax online this is the optimal risk-reduction regimen," he said. "But when you have to choose between, 'I might have a small chance' versus 'I might have a large chance,' for every person who may receive one of these four medicines, they're losing money on each." A study published last year showed that azithromycin and plus doxycycline could reduce levels of HIV in the blood by about 60 percent – although Bradstreet dismissed this trial's data as insufficient and said there is no clear proof either of the drug's efficacy. But others say the benefits of taking drugs for as many six months could be tremendous. The study findings, Ball said, "demonstrate that it really is time to consider the cost-effectiveness" of taking multiple antiviral drugs – particularly with a relatively new drug like this one that does not have the well-known side effects of other commonly taken medicines. "This is a potentially new intervention that has been shown to reduce infection risk and, at the same time, it decreases likelihood that these drugs will lead to side effects," said Dr. David Mok, director of the Division HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Research at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. However, he said, if it proves effective, the drug would have to be more widely used. "It will take a while before these drugs are widely used in clinical practice, but the meantime we would like to see them," he said. "If it does work, may make more sense for us to use a higher dose of these three drugs."
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