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Why am i allergic to bactrim ? the problem is that bactrim contains the enzyme lactisole which breaks down and releases its constituent amino acids. and since the enzymes lactisole ixoclodine work by "sensitization" i cannot produce them at will. i can, however, reduce the quantity of enzymes necessary to produce them, and so this has led to my allergy. when i eat food that contains lactisole, and the enzymes that work by sensitizing do not work, i get symptoms, which tend in time to become acute. this is the way it is, so please know that the problem is not with lactisole but how it is removed. also, when i was ill in an old hospital africa, there was a lot of bactrim on the floor. since i am old and tend to have reactions some medicines. and one time, the staff was not sure how to take the bactrim away. so, they called in their pharmacist who has the necessary chemicals to remove bactrim. but instead of using them he took my whole family's bactrim and put it in a baggie and sent it to his office by a commercial courier. so there was some sort of leakage and they got this nasty batch of bactrim in africa that was not good for me! he made this mistake because didn't even know what a proper chemical reaction looks like, he thought its all chemicals. i think that with the new hospital it would be better to try not using any drugs other than lactisole, and use the lactisole-free bactrim and/or lactisole removal chemicals, if possible. because i am also prone to having serious reactions many other medicines, as well having reactions to allergens. i have not got a prescription for bactrim, as result of the hospital experience. so, this is all from experience. as you may have read in some of the other thread's, i was ill and started to look up information on my own after i lost interest. i am not really sure about the bactrim issue or other issues that are asked about. because it varies so much from case to case. even the same person may get different problems with various medicines. so it's difficult to determine the exact reasons for all problems. but i am told that they all come from the same underlying cause, which is in turn a result of having defective immune system. which leads to a number of autoimmune problems, including diabetes, disease, asthma, allergies to latex, etc. i have been to the dentist recently, and i was told that had "lactose intolerance" because i have no reaction to it in food, even if the cream is a bit sticky, but if the toothpaste or sugar pills have in them, i get very inflamed and painful. i also have been told that since i was very young, have been having problems with my body's ability to absorb certain fats. this all seems so odd, because i am normally very skinny, and had never been told to avoid foods containing margarine. when i was still very young, ate many margarines and butter on the cheap, never had any problems. then at the age of about 5 or 6 years a year, i started experiencing problems with food when i was on different diets. these foods contained with margarine in them, including some cakes made from margarines. so as far i understand the situation, it's very similar to having some type of intolerance to margarine. but it doesn't stop there. i also have trouble sleeping, with my eyes feeling watery and bloodshot, in some circumstances, the headaches start to get me so that i have to lie down. my feet will get all itchy if I rub them, and after brush my teeth, they get itchy and sore. after i get all of these problems, my hair is all dry and damaged my skin becomes very itchy and sensitive! my hands feel Buy cheap xanax uk like the skin on tips of my fingers are starting to peel off. the problem is not with margarine in them! it is a lack of lactase in the intestine. i have been told by doctors that, in order to prevent these problems, you can give my mother a course of the enzyme, and that would improve things very slightly, but it won't get rid of the underlying problem. is there a point in doing this? or maybe i'll simply have to see a specialist anyway? do the reactions improve with enzyme treatment, or does they get worse after taking it? how far do these reactions extend? they last a while once i take the enzyme?

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